The invaluable advice provide by world's leading IP strategists
World's Leading IP Strategists provide their invaluable advice on IP Asset Commercial Strategy. The technological complexity of IP properties is significant which is why many IP strategists are professional lawyers or patent agents. IP Strategist's position is usually combined with that of an IP lawyer or agent. IP Strategists are a new form of IP Consultant. To provide market focused advice, they combine business acumen with IP expertise. An Internet strategist is not telling you to spend your money on getting IP because you need to. An invention may have the legal right to a patent, but if that patent does not protect and improve the value of a product or technology that your company is planning to sell in the future, obtaining a patent is a waste of the valuable resources of your company. To ensure you don't spend money on IP rights that don't fit with your priorities, an IP Consultant is working with you to make sure you only get IP that promotes and maximi...